Why Content marketing is win win deal in digital times

Sep 24

Content marketing is a very important strategic asset as it boosts profitable results across all digital marketing channels. While the year 2014 has been a big year for content marketing, the current trends point to an even bigger 2015.


The reasons why content marketing is a win-win deal during digital times are:

  1. Content Marketing is more targeted and personal – With content marketing, content becomes targeted and more personal! The entire marketing programme of content takes a centrestage at the table, with sufficient budget sanctioned for the project and a right person appointed for the job who can drive strategic content programmes.
  2. Content Marketing engages higher audience– Native advertisements help in generating better engagement. Around 82% in brand lift increase in this process. Also purchase intent can jump up by 53% if native advertising is used.
  3. Content Marketing uses more marketing automation tools – Digital marketers get more comfortable in using technology for their marketing goals. By 2017, businesses will be spending in this channel. Using more technologies will help in bringing more accuracy and specific touch in their campaigns.
  4. Content Marketing uses more professional writers – Hiring an editorial team can help them focus on creating top-notch content which can be used for marketing. The process can also be optimised for better placements and engagement strategies. Currently, several businesses have product managers who create their own content.
  5. Content Marketing focuses more on distribution – A recently done research indicates that only 26% of digital marketers are focusing and investing in distribution. However, with content marketing, this situation can change and more focus could be given on distribution.
  6. Content marketing to marry social media marketing – During digital times, content marketing could create a miracle by merging itself with social media marketing.
  7. Content marketing to boom with mobile marketing – As the reach of mobile marketing goes far and wide, integrating your content marketing mix will make your campaigns go boom thereby giving positive results.

Businesses from all markets and verticals are making concrete plans for boosting their content marketing efforts, like B2B marketers increasing their content marketing budgets and creating more content than what they ever did before.

Even major brands are joining in the fray, with as much as 69% steadily increasing their content production and they will continue to do so in 2015.

Other businesses should heed these trends and start performing concrete action towards a more robust content marketing plan – starting with these top trends to watch out this 2015.

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